Longest Resolutions List EVER

Happy New Year!

So, I’ve bee spending a lot of time thinking about my New Years resolutions for this year. I usually make spur of the moment resolutions, just to say I have one. Last year, I don’t remember anything that I said I would do, and that was reading 52 books in a year. Sadly, I didn’t accomplish this. I was close though. I realized that once I have other things to do, such as work, I rarely make the time for books (not they I actually do have the time).

I hate the fact that I make these resolutions and then end up not completeing them. I also hate the fact that some people don’t make resolutions because of this. I think even some incentive (even if it is the push of the New Year) will at least get a person in the mind set to start to accomplish something. This year, I’m making a list of resolutions that will help towards my larger goal of becoming a better person. Not many of them are too specific, and I tried to make it things that I can accomplish, and in turn will help me in other aspects of life.

And now, the list:

Lose Weight
The obligatory New Years resolution response. I’m pretty sure every year I’ve thought about it, and every year it doesn’t come true. This year is going to be different. It’s not something I can put off. It’s not something that just simply would be nice. If I continue in my horrible eating/exercising I will die. Plain and simple. It’s terrifying, and I don’t want that to happen so I’m going to invest in my life by losing weight.

Blog More
I’ve been thinking about the time this summer I was really doing well and trying to pin point why it was so easy for me. I’ve gone over everything, and yes it might have been the fact that it was easier when I wasn’t paying for things, or because I wasn’t working, but those are the things that I need to get over because I have to be able to do it while I’m working, and with my own money. I found that blogging, both using the Youtube channel and writing on my other blog with Jenn and the combination of tracking to really see what I was intaking helped me more than anything. I want to get back to doing that. I haven’t blogged (or made videos) much this year, and that will change.

Suck It Up, and Pay For Internet
This goes along with my blogging. I primarily stopped blogging because of the lose of stable internet. I was “borrowing” from others. Sometimes I couldn’t get a signal, other times it would be so low that simply logging onto WordPress would disrupt the connection. It’s gotten worse ever since my best signal went away (RIP Vanhorne Router). In a completely random note, It will also allow me to use my Netflix streaming capabilities, and that’s always a good thing.

Fit Into Boots
By next winter I want to be able to find a pair of boots and be able to fit into them. This a simple goal, but dammit boots are cute and I don’t have the legs to fit in most. This is purely selfish resolution.

Weigh Weekly
Weighing myself weekly will help let me know how I’m doing, and help moniter what works and what doesn’t

Work Out
Up my exercising. This one is kind of a dual one between Heather and I. We’ve been saying for weeks that we need to make a schedule to workout down in the apt’s gym and that is going to happen. I also need to buy rechargeable batteries and break out the Wii Fit, now that I got Wii Fit Plus.

Hydrogenated Oils/HFCS
I’ve said it numerous times on this blog, and I’m saying it again. Those pesky ingredients do NOT need to be in anything I consume, and I want to get rid of them this year.

Same thing, except I’m about 50% there. This year I’ve been doing pretty well, and next year I want to continue the same, just step up my game.

Water Intake
When I’ve had the amount of water I need for my body a day, I not only feel full and less prone to random drinking, I feel amazing. We need water to live for a reason.

I’m a horrible, no good, very bad, plant mom. This year, I hope that I’ll be better and can buy a couple more cause they make this small apartment happy and they don’t deserve to die cause I’m being lazy.

Run a 5k
It’s just something I’ve always wanted to say I could. Most marathons/races are for a good cause, I don’t know why I’m not at least walking them to at the very least help out these causes (while getting exercise in the process).

Get Organized
In EVERYTHING. I need stability in my life, and that can only come from organization. Keeping my budget in constant review, eating plans, apartment clean and clutter free, keeping my calendar up to date, that’s all apart of it.

52 Books
I (sadly) read more books this year than any other year because of my resolution last year. If just me saying it at New Years helps that much, then I’m going to do it again (now that my brother has gotten me Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Book Thief, and Dark Lover- the Black Dagger Brotherhood book)

Love Myself
I am awesome, I am talented. I am worth it. If only I could make myself believe that’s true. Maybe this year it will happen.