A Little Late

So, this is a tad bit late. I really have no excuse at all. I’ve had internet regularly, and haven’t been slammed with things I need to do when I get home, so really there is no way to get around it, I decided to be lazy and not write this post.

That being said, I was also lazy in my movement this past week. Other than the Sunday before last, I didn’t work out at all. I was running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off getting things done for the Tens. The elevator was broken, and the theatre we were using was on the second floor, so there were many up and down the spiral staircase with props trips. I don’t really count regular activity in my calories (my Lose It! is set for very little movement), I am on my feet a lot, moving heavy objects, and some times doing extensive carpentry stuff. Other than the staircase trips my week was spent sitting in the audience for loooooong tech days.

So, how did I do calorie wise?

Definitely not below the yellow line this week. Wenesday was a result of eating 10 almonds and a cracker for lunch. Not healthy at all, I know. The bright side is the fact that even though I went over my yellow line, I did stay under maintain the entire week, which is fine by me. I didn’t get as much in the way of balanced food, but I’m working on it this week with my amazingly stocked fridge of Costco finds!

Weigh-in #2

Just a quick post with my second weigh-in. This week was a little rough, for most days I was over my losing weight calories. The upside was that I never went past maintain weight. That doesn’t excuse the foods I did decide to eat though, more about that tomorrow when I post my weekly totals (I haven’t eaten dinner yet so the day is not complete).

I was a little scared for today, but the good news came:

That’s a loss of 2.8!!

I don’t know how that happened. I didn’t exercise at ALL this week. My days were all over the place. I did do a lot of running around, more than usual with the start of tech week and the opening for the tens, and that might have done something to the total. Whatever it is, I’m happy.

I added a page with my running weigh-in totals to keep track on them. Check it out, right near the about me.


Yay for payday!

So…this week…ya. About that…

Well, I’ll see the damage tomorrow at weigh-in. Last night was beer thirty/sushi day! After a couple of beers at the shop, Heather, Brad, Rebecca, Rebecca’s date, and Mercy headed to a sushi place we haven’t been to yet. The vegetarian menu was awesome! I loooove vegetarian sushi, especially when they have different ones. I got a sweet tofu roll, an avocado roll with mushrooms and marianated peppers on the outside, and this fried ball with crab/avocado/and something else. So good. I want to go back and try some of the other things

Today was arrands day. I had to pay some bills, bring a load to recycling and do some grocery shopping. I decided that today would be as good a day as any other to head over to Costco and redeem my membership that I got for Christmas. I didn’t buy a whole lot (I left a lot of stuff that I wanted to buy, but know is there for the future), but I got a pretty decent haul. I also ended up going to Kroger to pick up some more random stuff that I didn’t want to buy in bulk.

I took pictures!

(I didn’t separate what I bought where, but it should be pretty obvious. Sorry about the quality of the pictures. Maybe next time I’ll remember to actually take the picture during the day when I get the groceries not at 9 o’clock at night.)


  • Marantha Almond Butter (5.89 for that huge thing!)
  • Bolthouse Farms Green Goddess Juice
  • Big bag of pears
  • Flat Out Wraps (it came in a package with 4 regular bags)
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Sabra Pine Nut hummus (FAVORITE hummus of all time)
  • Vanilla Soymilk
  • Organic 2% Milk
  • Sonoma Jack cheese wedges (they were cheaper than Laughing Cow)
  • Tzatziki Sauce
  • Bruscetta (totally suckered into it with a sample)
  • Bananas
  • Kale
  • Organic Spring Mix
  • Sweet Peppers Mix
  • Baby Carrots
  • Gala apples
  • Mozzarella
  • Wholly Guacamole

Not pictured because I forgot and had already opened the packages: a box of 24 Kashi bars (pumpkin pie, dark chocolate coconut, dark chocolate raspberry), 2 packages of chicken thighs (they were 40% off, I only spent about 3 dollars on 10), a bar of dark chocolate, a couple of boxes of whole wheat pasta, brussel sprouts, and a huge carton of portabella mushrooms.

I knew the Costco had a lot of organic options but I was really surprised at how much there was! Next month when I have more money to spend on groceries I’ll end up getting some of the other things I found that I really liked but didn’t want to spend the money on it, nor did I have the space for it in the freezer.

I ended up heading to Five Guys because I was in the area…not the best decision in my life, I realize this but it was very tasty šŸ™‚

Wireless Theatre

Just a quick update while I’m sitting here in tech doing nothing…we have wireless over here! We were called for a tech notes meeting at 11, but apparently that’s not the case considering I’m sitting here watching Justin give notes to all the apprentices for their shift rehearsal. It would have been nice to know that this was happening. Oh well, such is the life of a props master who doesn’t work in the theatre (the shop is in a seperate wharehouse about 2ish miles away).

I just wanted to kind of quickly update, and cure my boredom) about how the begining of my second week is going to work out. I think this might be one of my hardest. I’ll be done worrying about this show by the end of tomorrow and I also will be paid on Thursday which means I’ll be going on my first real grocery trip after buckling down. It will be a combination of trying to get the most out of my money, and the best foods to produce the results I need. It’s going to be hard. Last night I wanted nothing more than going to get fast food after our horrendous 10 out of 12 (ten hours of tech, with a 2 hour dinner break). I didn’t, but it was ridiculously hard not to.

Since my budget is so small, I basicaly only have money for my first paycheck of the month, and the next goes to rent and parking. So by the first of the month I’m craving for tons of things, since I’ll be out of everything by that time. It it also the time I end up eating out and eating crapily.

We’ll see how it all happens. Hopefully it won’t be too hard

Weigh-In #1

This week has been ridiculously, amazingly, perfect in terms of my eating and getting water in. There were a couple of days were I went a bit under calories that I was comfortable with, but for the most part I had a good balance of everything. I was definitely ā€œBelow the Yellow Lineā€ for the entire week (which starts on Mondays for me). Hereā€™s the stats from LoseIt!:

Exercise accounted for 673 of those calories (my goal calories, or the yellow line, is set at 2,117)

The smallest victory in the entire week was on Thursday when I refused free delivery pizza for the more sensible option of couscous. It helped to since I currently have nothing in the way of lunch making items till next pay day, so the entirety of my lunches have to be leftovers. I diligently measured out everything from butter to oil to even the low cal vegetables. If Iā€™m going to do it for one thing, I have to continue it for all so that I begin to develop a habit of it. If youā€™ve never tried measuring out everything to exact portions, do it! It may be tedious at first, but you really do develop a rhythm and itā€™s incredible at making you focus on what you really want to ā€œpayā€ for in terms of calories. It helps keep my portions control (which I desperately need) and Iā€™m so more willing to only put in a portion of an item I might have put in, in some cases, well over 5 servings of for a one serving thing. Itā€™s shocking, but puts everything into perspective. I would even say that this alone is more of a key to weight loss than journaling everything (although I combine the two).

Every Sunday I am going to be weighing myself and I think Iā€™m finally ok with putting the results in the blog. I need to record it, and since Iā€™m relying heavily on this blog for that, it just needs to happen. I canā€™t get around it anymore

I have a Biggest Loser Scale that I canā€™t for the life of me remember what model it is, and donā€™t really want to check. If you want to know, just leave a comment. I go it over the summer because my mom is obsessed with QVC. That means I get nice presents because they are on ā€œsaleā€ which really means ā€œI want to buy one for myself, but feel bad so Iā€™ll buy a second one for my daughterā€. I canā€™t really complain, itā€™s a win-win situation ā˜ŗ I also use this awesome app on my iPhone that is really only awesome because of the sound effects on it. Itā€™s called Weightbot. I think itā€™s around $1.99.

My starting weight last Sunday was 314.8 and this week I am at:

That means I am down 9lbs!

I really donā€™t know for sure why Iā€™m down that much. I knew I was going to be down a pretty good amount because every time I start losing weight, I do drop a good amount my first week (when I first started Weight Watchers in high school I dropped about 5-6 lbs the first week). I do know of some causes of why Iā€™m down as much, so the number may be misleading:-I am considerably heavier than I was in high school, and I do think that it could play a part in losing weight more quickly.

  • I’m much more heavier than I was in high school
  • Iā€™m on my period, and that could lead to weird numbers
  • I have worked out 3 times this week as opposed to nothing the weeks before.
  • This week has been more stressful than most. Iā€™ve been worrying a lot about the show coming up and the stress has been effecting me, most nights Iā€™m up until 2 am just thinking about it and worrying.

I feel the combination of all those things lead to such a great loss. Iā€™m not too worried though, if I was smaller this number might scare me, but I am at a number in my weight that itā€™s really only going to effect me for the good. I hope that next weekā€™s weigh-in will be in a more normal range. I feel good about this week, though. I went to the gym, yet didnā€™t push myself to the point of no harm (I maybe even slacked off a bit), I ate enough till I was full, and drank the right amount of water. Those things I am proud of.

Resolutions; They’re Not Just For New Years

I decided that I would extend resolutions into every week or two goals to give myself an extra push into the better me during the week. Iā€™ve decided to break them down into three categories: Health, Food, and Life.

I am making it my mission to find one goal for each category to continue through the week. Some weeks I might have more than one, but one is the minimum. I hope that I continue to do this, because I feel it will really help me balance out things.

On to the list!

Health: In addition to the gym, workout on the Wii Fit Plus at least twice this week

Food: Go at least 50% vegetarian this week

Life: Go through magazines, get rid of things I donā€™t need/want. Make a posting schedule for blogs/videos/exercise/food

Smoothie Queen

I am EXTREMELY jealous of everyone who is currently at CES right now. Anyone want to sponsor me next year? Iā€™ll totally hit up some awesome booths, take video and do interviews šŸ™‚ Itā€™s definitely on my list of things to do in my life (along with go to Greece, go the Olympics, and attend Sundance, it will happen!)

I just made the BEST smoothie I think I’ve ever made. I am in love with this new personal blender that I got for Christmas, and have been using it almost nonstop!

Here’s my ultimate recipe so I never forget it

1 cup 2% milk

1 1/2 cups of frozen mixed fruit

1 tbsp of ground flax

1 packet of Truvia no calorie sweetener

~264 Calories

Mix it up, drink, and be happy with life. I’ll probably end up using this basic formula but probably tweeking it depending upon what I have available. I usually only have soymilk in the house, but had a package of boxed mac and cheese that required the real stuff so that’s what I used. I use frozen because I don’t have to use ice, and for convenience. I sometimes don’t end up having fresh fruit all the time, and sometimes I don’t go through all of it before it goes bad and it’s a huge waste of money. My mix contained pineapples, grapes, strawberries, and peaches. It made a lot, 16-17 ounces in total. It’s super thick, I had to eat most of it with a spoon but that’s how I like it!


Everything’s Good

Can I just say how good it feels to be back at where I was in the begining of the summer? I feel like my life is back on track, and I have an amazing outlook on things.

I know it’s only been about 3 days but I already feel a lot better. I’ve been doing really good at tracking what I eat (I use the LoseIt app on the iPhone). I’ve been doing really good at committing to measuing out everything, which really does help put things into perspective and allow me to eat the real serving of an item, as opposed to what is generally considered as normal (not just by me, but most people). I also think a huge effect on my general health is that I have been getting my water in. Water just makes me feel more energized.

Heather and I went to the gym this afternoon, and also on Sunday. I even wanted to go the gym tonight. I still have to make a workout schedule so that it isn’t so sporadic, but that will happen.

The weather has been ridiculous! It’s been below freezing since New Years EveĀ  (which I realized I never put anything about in my last post. It was amazing, spent with some of the most amazing people I know. Heather, Brad, Emma, and Braden spent the night playing Wii, watching Daria, and eating some fabulous cheese. It was perfect) and we’re supposed to get a huge storm by the end of the weekend. Great for my wanting a snowball fight, we’ve gotten ice but not much in the way of snow, but bad considering Saturday is technically the start of tech for the Apprentice Ten Minute Shows. I’m props master for four of them. Oh well, at least there will be snow!

Longest Resolutions List EVER

Happy New Year!

So, Iā€™ve bee spending a lot of time thinking about my New Years resolutions for this year. I usually make spur of the moment resolutions, just to say I have one. Last year, I donā€™t remember anything that I said I would do, and that was reading 52 books in a year. Sadly, I didnā€™t accomplish this. I was close though. I realized that once I have other things to do, such as work, I rarely make the time for books (not they I actually do have the time).

I hate the fact that I make these resolutions and then end up not completeing them. I also hate the fact that some people donā€™t make resolutions because of this. I think even some incentive (even if it is the push of the New Year) will at least get a person in the mind set to start to accomplish something. This year, Iā€™m making a list of resolutions that will help towards my larger goal of becoming a better person. Not many of them are too specific, and I tried to make it things that I can accomplish, and in turn will help me in other aspects of life.

And now, the list:

Lose Weight
The obligatory New Years resolution response. Iā€™m pretty sure every year Iā€™ve thought about it, and every year it doesnā€™t come true. This year is going to be different. Itā€™s not something I can put off. Itā€™s not something that just simply would be nice. If I continue in my horrible eating/exercising I will die. Plain and simple. Itā€™s terrifying, and I donā€™t want that to happen so Iā€™m going to invest in my life by losing weight.

Blog More
Iā€™ve been thinking about the time this summer I was really doing well and trying to pin point why it was so easy for me. Iā€™ve gone over everything, and yes it might have been the fact that it was easier when I wasnā€™t paying for things, or because I wasnā€™t working, but those are the things that I need to get over because I have to be able to do it while Iā€™m working, and with my own money. I found that blogging, both using the Youtube channel and writing on my other blog with Jenn and the combination of tracking to really see what I was intaking helped me more than anything. I want to get back to doing that. I havenā€™t blogged (or made videos) much this year, and that will change.

Suck It Up, and Pay For Internet
This goes along with my blogging. I primarily stopped blogging because of the lose of stable internet. I was ā€œborrowingā€ from others. Sometimes I couldnā€™t get a signal, other times it would be so low that simply logging onto WordPress would disrupt the connection. Itā€™s gotten worse ever since my best signal went away (RIP Vanhorne Router). In a completely random note, It will also allow me to use my Netflix streaming capabilities, and thatā€™s always a good thing.

Fit Into Boots
By next winter I want to be able to find a pair of boots and be able to fit into them. This a simple goal, but dammit boots are cute and I donā€™t have the legs to fit in most. This is purely selfish resolution.

Weigh Weekly
Weighing myself weekly will help let me know how Iā€™m doing, and help moniter what works and what doesnā€™t

Work Out
Up my exercising. This one is kind of a dual one between Heather and I. Weā€™ve been saying for weeks that we need to make a schedule to workout down in the aptā€™s gym and that is going to happen. I also need to buy rechargeable batteries and break out the Wii Fit, now that I got Wii Fit Plus.

Hydrogenated Oils/HFCS
Iā€™ve said it numerous times on this blog, and Iā€™m saying it again. Those pesky ingredients do NOT need to be in anything I consume, and I want to get rid of them this year.

Same thing, except Iā€™m about 50% there. This year Iā€™ve been doing pretty well, and next year I want to continue the same, just step up my game.

Water Intake
When Iā€™ve had the amount of water I need for my body a day, I not only feel full and less prone to random drinking, I feel amazing. We need water to live for a reason.

Iā€™m a horrible, no good, very bad, plant mom. This year, I hope that Iā€™ll be better and can buy a couple more cause they make this small apartment happy and they donā€™t deserve to die cause Iā€™m being lazy.

Run a 5k
Itā€™s just something Iā€™ve always wanted to say I could. Most marathons/races are for a good cause, I donā€™t know why Iā€™m not at least walking them to at the very least help out these causes (while getting exercise in the process).

Get Organized
In EVERYTHING. I need stability in my life, and that can only come from organization. Keeping my budget in constant review, eating plans, apartment clean and clutter free, keeping my calendar up to date, thatā€™s all apart of it.

52 Books
I (sadly) read more books this year than any other year because of my resolution last year. If just me saying it at New Years helps that much, then Iā€™m going to do it again (now that my brother has gotten me Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Book Thief, and Dark Lover- the Black Dagger Brotherhood book)

Love Myself
I am awesome, I am talented. I am worth it. If only I could make myself believe thatā€™s true. Maybe this year it will happen.